Dear Friends:
The Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees (CPF Board) had a busy and productive year. We discussed the results of CPF’s stress testing and confirmed that CPF is in a strong but cautious position. We reviewed CPG’s enterprise risks and mitigation plans, which demonstrated that the organization is ready for what may lie ahead. We expressed confidence in CPG’s performance in three critical areas: investment portfolio management, financial discipline, and focus on client service.
We also continued important work such as onboarding seven new trustees and discussing the ways that diversity, equity, and inclusion enhance our efforts.
Many of us had the opportunity to speak with clergy and lay leaders of various Church bodies about the work of CPG. These conversations validated CPG’s work and its commitment to understanding and responding to evolving needs.
The law requires the CPF Board, as fiduciaries, to act exclusively in the best interest of CPF and in ensuring that CPF manages its benefit plans with a focus on the financial interests of plan participants and their beneficiaries. The CPG team works hard to make sure we understand client needs and how CPG is responding to them.
It is an honor to serve on the board of an organization that does such good work for the Church we hold so dearly. Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to continuing to earn it.